Student Groups at the Faculty of Engineering: Technik ohne Grenzen

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Just as doctors make their medical skills available to people all over the world (‘Doctors without Borders’) – Technik ohne Grenzen e.V. (‘Technology without Borders’) offers technical enthusiasts to put their technical expertise to meaningful use in the service of others. As a student you get the opportunity to make a difference through the application of technical and engineering skills to a variety of challenges in different locations and cultures.

Main areas of activity:

  1. Coordinating on-site, tailored cooperative development work that makes the most effective use of the available resources.
  2. Delivering education and training that empower local people effect change themselves.
  3. Stimulating sustainable development, for example through microbusiness initiatives.

There are currently five groups in Erlangen dealing with the topics: Environmentally friendly disposal of medical Waste, Water supply, Hospital Support and Teaching Computer Basics.

For more information about the regional group Erlangen go to:

Further Student Groups and Initiatives at the Faculty of Engineering: (DE)