Advice and services
Whether before, during or after your studies – questions keep coming up. Don’t worry, we have many contact points and people who can answer your questions or support you with your concerns and problems.
Before starting university
Study choice and orientation
There are various ways to find out about FAU, and especially at the Faculty of Engineering, and its various study programs to find out which one is right for you. Unfortunately many of them are in German, but here are 10 good reasons to study at FAU.
Veranstaltungen für Studieninteressierte
Schnupperunitage der Technischen Fakultät
Früh- und Orientierungsstudium
The Student Advice Center also provides information on the courses on offer.
The application process differs depending on whether you are applying with a German Abitur (in German) or whether you are an international applicant.
Study Preparations
If you would like to prepare for your engineering studies before the start of lectures, you can brush up on your school knowledge in mathematics, which you will need again during your studies. You can also refresh and deepen your programming skills in preparation for or alongside your studies. The Faculty of Engineering offers various preliminary courses and revision courses (information in German). All these courses are of course voluntary.
Living space in Erlangen and the surrounding area is rather scarce. You should therefore look for a suitable apartment as soon as possible.
Residence halls of Studierendenwerk
Residence halls of FDS (information in German)
Financing your studies
There are different possibilities to finance your studies.
Start of studies and semester
In order to study at FAU, you have to enroll until a certain deadline and provide all the required documents.
If you have any questions on this topic, please contact the Student Advice Center.
Welcome at FAU
When it’s time to start, you’ll get all the important information about your degree program at the freshman orientation at the Faculty of Engineering.
In the evening, we will officially welcome you to FAU!
Especially for international students there is a welcome program with orientation courses and a buddy program. Part of this welcome week is the Faculty Day at the Faculty of Engineering.
You can see how your study week is organized in your study plan. You have to create this yourself. We have created a guide to creating a timetable for you.
During your studies
Study organization
If you have any questions about deadlines and formal issues, please contact the Student Advice Center.
Specific questions about your degree program
For specific questions about your degree program, please contact your subject advisor or the Student Service Center of your department.
The general conditions for your degree program can be found in your examination regulations (page is available in german only but there are often english versions of the documents).
Details on the type of examination can be found in the module handbook.
Information on examination periods, examination dates and registration can be found on the Examinations Office website.
If you have problems with the examinations and would like to have some advice, please contact your subject advisor.
The Study Service Center of the Faculty of Engineering organizes various consultation appointments and seminars (e.g. time management, work techniques, etc.). The dates and registration information can be found in the calendar of events.
Scientific work and writing
Internships and jobs
There are various job exchanges (in German) for part-time jobs and internships.
Study abroad
If you wish to gain even more experience abroad, there are many ways for you to go abroad.
Accreditation of achievements
You can have achievements from your studies abroad or your professional experience recognized under certain conditions.
Changing of study subject
If you think about changing your suject of studies, please contact your subject advisor. If you already decided on your new subject, you can submit the corresponding application at the Students Record Office. If you would like to transfer to another faculty, the Student Advice Center is the right place to contact.
Study leave
If you have important reasons, you can take a leave of absence from your studies for up to two semesters. To do so, please contact the Students Record Office.
Psychosocial problems
If you need advice or help in various psychological matters, you can contact the Psychological-Psychotherapeutic Counseling Center.
Studying under special circumstances
For students with a health impairment, there are various advice centers that provide information about compensation for disadvantages in examinations, accessibility or help with studying, among other things.
Even if you are studying while pregnant (information in german), you may be entitled to compensation for disadvantages. The maternity protection rules also apply to you.
If you are studying with a child, the Family Service can help you find childcare. There are also other offers for student parents.
To continue your studies, you have to re-register each semester through the payment of your semester contribution.
After graduation
After graduation you have the opportunity to stay at FAU by doing a doctorate.
Career Advice
The Academic Services of the Employment Agency offers individual advice on starting a career (information in German), changing subjects or dropping out of studies.
Career Service
Specials forms of Study
Studying parallel to a job
Studying two degrees in parallel
If you are interested in a studying two degrees at the same time, please first contact your subject advisor.
Cooperative Study Program
You have the opportunity to do a dual study program at FAU via the FAU cooperative study program.