Tag: DFG

The German Research Foundation (DFG) has extended the International Research Training Group 2495 “Energy Conversion Systems: from Materials to Components”. The Research Training Group was established at FAU in 2019. The objective of this research training group is to research electro-mechanical (...

The German Research Foundation (DFG) is extending funding for a collaborative research center (CRC) or transregio (TRR), for which FAU is a co-applicant. The researchers will receive a further three million euros in funding over the next four years. The joinability of components in multi-material sy...

The German Research Foundation (DFG) has approved a new Collaborative Research Centre (CRC) at FAU. The aim of CRC 1483 is to create sensor technology and gather movement data for the human body. Every movement made by a living organism is the result of countless processes inside the body and com...

The German Research Foundation (DFG) is funding a new research group in photonics: How cracks are formed Lasers are a widely used tool in manufacturing technology that enables contactless and highly-automated joining of workpieces. One of the greatest difficulties in this process is that solidific...

Technical catalysts with new properties With ‘CLINT’ (Catalysis at Liquid Interfaces), FAU has received approval for another Collaborative Research Centre. The speaker is Prof. Dr. Peter Wasserscheid, Chair of Chemical Reaction Engineering. The CRC is pursuing a completely new approach in chemical ...

DFG provides research group at FAU funding for a further three years What causes manufacturing deviations, and how do they affect the quality of technical products? Since 2016, the research group FOR2271 ‘Process-oriented tolerance management with virtual assurance methods’ has been investigating t...