Professor Zeev Zalevsky
Humboldt Research Fellowship

My research areas:
Super resolution and biomedical imaging/sensing. Speckle based photo acoustic sensing
Home University / Research Institute:
Faculty of Engineering, Bar Ilan University, Ramat-Gan, Israel
Host research group:
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Michael Schmidt, Institute of Photonic Technologies
Research period at the Faculty of Engineering, FAU:
Several visits during 2022-2023
What is the focus of your research during your visit?
Implementing speckle-based biomedical sensing for super resolved photo-acoustic detection and imaging.
I choose FAU because:
As a former SAOT young award winner I have already established close scientific collaboration with the group of Prof. Schmidt which lasts for almost 10 years and included joint students exchange and their academic supervision. The Humboldt related research is a direct extension of the already existing joint work.
Further information
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Michael Schmidt
Institute of Photonic Technologies